Sunday, December 6, 2009

Music Project

This is my music painting.We listened to a song called" Reel around the sun". After we listened to this song a few times why we closed our eyes, Ms.Bammi gave us a large sheet of paper. We had to draw what we saw while we listened to the music, but the difficult part was that we couldn't draw something that was recognizable.My new skill hat I learned was you have to take risks with music and drawings. If I did this assignment again, I would add more color and change the color. While I was doing this assignment I felt as if I was lost in space, but I also felt as if I was in the middle ages. I really developed my art and hearing. I was really satisfied with my results!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tree painting

The skill that I learned in Visual Exploration so far is that it is possible to paint a tree using only 4 colors. In my artwork I made connections with artist, sewers, and the world. I learned how to take a small sketch into a big piece of paper and make it into an amazing drawing! While I was working on this assignment I felt afraid if I do any mistake, but then I felt positive. I began to observe the different shades of green in the leafs of the trees and the details. I also started to observe the lines in everything I see. I started to develop my drawings and the way I use the paint. As a result I really liked my artwork.
This is my sketch of the tree painting I did.